D412 FAQ’s

1Who is the D412 for?

The purpose of this qualification is to provide candidates with back ground knowledge in respect of Asbestos Management.

Primarily it is aimed at individuals who own or are responsible for premises that could potentially contain asbestos. This could be a single building or a large portfolio. However, it is also relevant for anyone who undertakes or manages work that could disturb the fabric of premises.

It is designed to develop an understanding of asbestos locations, associated risks and raise awareness of the legal requirements involved in managing asbestos.


2What type of Course is the D412?

The D412 is an on-line course made up of 5 individual modules to allow the candidate to gain an understanding of what asbestos is and also an introduction into what is required to effectively manage asbestos. The course includes all you will need to know to pass and receive your qualification. Each module contains instructional presentations and quizzes to test your understanding of the training and information provided. Each module must be completed before continuing onto the next one.

3What is the D412 Course content?

The course is made up of the following 5 modules:

  • Module 1 What is Asbestos
  • Module 2 Why is it a problem
  • Module 3 What does it look like and where would you find it
  • Module 4 What is the applicable law
  • Module 5 Asbestos Management


4How long does the D412 Course take?

The course is designed to allow you to either dip in and out to fit around your normal working life or can be done continuously completing one module at a time. You have 90 days from registering to complete all modules and the final assessment. If taken continuously it is estimated that the modules would take 1 day to complete.

5What is the assessment process for the D412?

When you have completed all of the 5 modules, you will then be provided with access to the exam. This must be completed within 90 days of registering for the course. This is an open book assessment.

The assessment is a series of short answer questions covering all modules within the course.
All answers provided must be your own work. These can be guided and assisted using your research of available sources of documented guidance however should not be influenced or assisted by discussions with others.

6How long does it take to receive my Qualification Certificate?

Once the completed exam has been received, assessed and found to be satisfactory you should receive your certificate within a week. All certificates are electronic and will be sent by email using the details provided when registering for the course.

7What Assistance and Resources are available for the D412?

The course is self-contained and copies of all HSE Guidance and other applicable reading material are provided. You can access these course files/documents which form the resources library by going to files on the menu bar at the top of the page. If you have any issues or need support, you can get in touch by clicking the course title on the top left of the screen, and then using the messages menu bar at the top of the page. Alternatively, assistance can also be provided by emailing: trainingsupport@asbestoscompliance.co.uk

8How much does the D412 cost?

The complete cost is £350 which consists of £250 for the course and an examination fee of £100 (Costs are exc. VAT)